Dopey's Travels

Dopey’s been with us since September 2001, when our son Sam discovered him in a Happy Meal at the Cherry Hill (NJ) Mall. He wasn’t too thrilled at the time because he was expecting a Hot Wheels car. Ever since then, Dopey started showing up in some really interesting places. He really gets around. So all of you travelers out there - keep an eye out for Dopey. You could co-star in a blog.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Coming soon...Mount Kilimanjaro

Dopey is off conquering Mount Kilimanjaro with Maureen Mingey...stay tuned for photos. He's off to Zanzibar when he gets down.


At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you should try having an original idea. In the movie "Amelie," a garden gnome was the subject of pictures taken around the world. Corporate america stole the idea and ran similar things in commercials. And now you are stealing the idea.

Too bad people can't come up with their own ideas anymore.

At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Dopey has been around since before the movie "Amelie." We started sending Dopey places in Nov. 2001. The real inspiration came from a news story I read several years ago about someone who stole a pink flamingo lawn ornament from somebody's house. The owners of the flamingo started receiving anonymous letters with pictures of the flamingo in iconic landmarks around the U.S., like Mount Rushmore.
But thanks for giving us the idea of putting the dates with the pictures. However, it does state clearly in the intro that Dopey has been around since Sept. 2001.
Have a Dopey day, dude!
Pam (Sam's mom, Jeff's wife)

At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, Tom, "Amelie" was released in the U.S. in Oct. 2001. We saw it on DVD the following spring.

At 4:03 PM, Blogger MAC! said...

Hey, Tom...since when is complaining about something that has nothing to do with you an original idea? This is a fun, harmless idea...and you are a soulless crank. :oP Have a nice day! Oh wait, I take that back as it's hardly an original comment.

At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are going to Cancun for our honeymoon in May. Has Dopey been there??? (ps we live in Wash twp, NJ) Saw you guys in the courier post

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Thanks for the offer, Marisa, but Dopey's already been to Cancun. He was there several weeks ago with one of my coworkers. The pictures are posted in the blog.

At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.


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